15.30 Keynote lecture (Chair: Robert W. Dixon-Gough)
Benito Arruñada: Comparative Analysis of Transaction Costs
in Real Estate.
Andrew U. Frank: The Economics of Information
Comments: T.b.a., Mark Deakin.
Friday 12th, 9.00- 12.00: UseCase description of property formation
Rados Sumrada: Subdivision and conveyancing in Slovenia revisited
Erik Stubkjær: Subdivision in Denmark - The search for institutional
Arvo Vitikainen: A formal description of cadastral subdivision in Finland
András Osskó: Real property procedures and transactions
in Hungary
Friday 12th, 13.00- 15.00: Ontology development (Uitermark)
Marjan Ceh: Comparison of Slovenian and ISO/DIS 19110 GI feature catalogues:
Ontologies and semantics
Stephan Winter: Languages for Ontologies of Cadastral Maps
Heiner Stuckenschmidt: Ontology development - Selecting methods and
Discussion, including: Possible next steps of G9
Friday 12th, 15.30- ca 17.00:
(Mattsson, Stuckenschmidt) |
Friday 12th, 19.00: Seminar dinner
Saturday 13th: 9.00 - 10.30 (Balodis)
Hans Mattsson: Reallotment procedures in Sweden
Miran Ferlan: Land Tenure and Real Property Transaction Types in Slovenia.
Saturday 13th: 10.45 - 12.30: G9 Project management (Frank)
Erik Stubkjær: Structuring the research issues, and possible
next steps
Christoph Schlieder: The Working Group structure of the Technical Annex,
and alternatives.
Andrew U Frank: Anticipating the external review of G9 activities
Discussion. Identification of key issues.
Saturday 13th: 14.00: Formal MC meeting 2 (Anna Danti)
Discussion of key issues as needed.
MC meeting, according to agenda, issued by COST secretatiat
- Next venue, and preparations
- Short Term Scientific Missions: Call for mission proposals
- Working Groups: Status and plans for each WG
- Uncertainty reduction in research management