Sets Urelements Individuals (= concrete entities, exist in re) Substances Moments (exist in time, e.g actions, events, thoughts; presupposes Substances) Chronoids (temporal region; a Substance has lifetime) Topoids (spatial region) Situoids (configurations, relations among, of all previous Individuals and possibly some Universals; have a certain granularity and point of view, the Universals are the key for grasping the Situoid). Situations are (~) instances of Situoids. MaterialRelations, eg contract(party1, party2, agreement, document) Universals (=abstractions of Individuals or of lower-order universals) FormalRelations, eg largerThan, partOf, dependentOn,
- jurisdiction (country), where specific legislation is obeyd and enforced
- terrain, where Boundaries are marked and measured relative
to GeodeticReferenceSystem
- offices, where agreements are made or wittnessed, where casework
is performed, or asset representations handled
Person has role as
Spatial specification: Identification of bounded lot of land by means of Document, TerrainObject, GraphTheory and SpatialReferenceFrame (~ coordinate system)
Spatially specified right: Identification of real property right by means of
- actors (owner, surveyor, geodetic service)
- databases, with SpatialSpecification of TerrainObjects
- documents
- terrain
- actors (owner, notary, court, local authorities, holders of right)
- databases, with enumeration of spatiallySpecified rights
- documents (carry information on spatial and legal specifics)
- assets
- asset storage (banks, financial organisations)
- new information (e.g. field measurement sheet, drafted document)
- new legal situation regarding unit of real estate (e.g. changed owner,
new easement recorded, purchase permission granted/ denied)
- new allocation of assets (e.g. deposit in bank, delivered chash,
Moments/ Actions
See CadastralActivitiesConsolidated
that is drafted on the basis of the UseCase descriptions of subdivision
in SLO, FIN and DK.
These activities should mirror 'cadastral reality' in said countries
in a prolog-like notion
If the 'UrElements' above are necessary and sufficient for performing
these cadastral activities, then the two notes together should be close
to a cadastral ontology (I think?).