The work will develop from what we do in the COST project G9 Modelling Real Property Transactions

and extend from our Terms of Reference, namely the Technical Annex on which the decision to adopt COST G9 was made.

We developed a network 'bottum-up', directed by research interests. The proposed Network of Excellence may become the or a research component of a larger consortium.



on the Network of Excellence

Modelling Real Property Institutions

Prepared by
Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark
Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Division Real Estate Planning and Land Law, Department of infrastructure, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Land Management Research Unit, School of Computing and Technology, University of East London, United Kingdom
Geoinformation, TU Vienna, Austria
Institute of Real Estate Studies, Dept. of Surveying, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Geodetic Department, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute for Geoinformatics, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
College of Surveying and Land Management, The University of West Hungary, Szekesfehervar, Hungary

This Expression of Interest is submitted in response to Call EOI.FP6.2000

6th June 2002

1.  Aim of the Proposed Work

The objective of the proposed research is to provide a coherent body of knowledge that addresses the need for integrating spatial and terrestrial information to the benefit of citizens of European countries. The research will increase the pace of convergence of technologies used for observations of visible terrain objects, and technologies used for the communication of real estate affairs. The proposed research will identify main geoinformation chains from data provider to customer, and the mechanisms that may alter them, with a view towards increased transparency and reduced complexity and cost. The project specifically addresses the fact that in the realm of real property, the customers themselves are data providers, for example through their agreements on conveyancing of units of real estate, and mortgaging.

Developing from data flows among citizens and professionals, property developers and financial institutions, as well as local and central government, the research will identify major recurrent behaviour structures, that is: institutions, and it will seek to explain the mechanisms that tend to change these structures. These investigations within the domain of real estate will serve as a case study, and thus illustrate implications of the open method of co-ordination, acknowledged by the Lisbon European Council in March 2000.

The communicated information is context dependent. To enhance integration of information, the research will specify the semantic content of main types of transactions in terms of metadata and ontologies, and develop a coherent, yet possibly incomplete set of ontologies of the domain of real property institutions. Services, including web portals, will be established for using information inside and outside the domain of real property.

The ontological foundation of the research will relate to basic conceptions of man, land, and society. It thus provides a tentative, European contribution to a dialogue with other cultures. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the research will result in knowledgeable PhD graduates, who through their work at universities and research units will further the consolidated knowledge on real estate and cadastre.

2. Background 95% finished

3. Expected Results from the Proposed Work

4. Activities to Achieve the Proposed Objectives

5. Expertise Needed to Achieve Objectives

If you want to join: 

Section 5 includes a table on participants with head: 
Organization Country Contact Expertise Role in project 

Organization is the department level of universities, or similar. 
Contact could be head of department or expert 

Expertise and Role are crucial, please state with few words what is your (= departments') key competence (with respect to project), and how you can and will support the project with your expertise. 

If you are head of department yourself, your e-mail to me with the needed details is all what is needed [right now, that is :-]. 

If you are not head, I suggest you draft the mail for your head, who then mails me.

6. Promotion of Results Outside of the Consortium (95% finished)

Outcome of the research will be disseminated through scientific publications and professional newsletters. Outcome may inform efforts to enhance the exploitation of public sector information available at National Mapping Agencies and Land Registries.

As indicated already for the current COST action G9, the formal models (ontologies) developed will be made available through the web portal to support systems development, teaching and comparative studies. More specifically, a planned web portal will 1) provide structured access to information resources of the domain, inspired by the portal established by the Knowledge Acquisition Community ( and 2) include a reference library of the ontologies, which can be inspected by system developers (cf. the reference library at for general purpose GISs). The portal content will be disseminated as widely as the respecting of copyrights permits.

A substantial form of disseminating the outcome of the research will be the PhD graduates, trained through their participation in the proposed research. They will lead the future research and development at universities, in governmental positions, larger enterprises, and NGOs of European scope.

7. The Role of SMEs in the Proposed Work (95% finished)

Real estate business involves professionals like lawyers, notaries, and geodetic surveyors, who operate from SME. In some countries, the associations of professionals are engaged with the authorities, typically Land Registries and Cadastral Agencies, in applying ICTechnology for communication of information regarding specific cases. The role of professional associations in ITC development is important. The professionals, as a representative of the client/citizen, can demand from the authorities a coherent interface across domains of competencies, and also provide the authorities with specific knowledge on how improved consistency can be achieved.

Professional associations with experience in such development may be engaged in the proposed research.

Outcome of the research will be discussed with professional associations, especially with a view towards reducing learning costs.

8. How the Project will be Managed (95% finished)

The project will be managed by a Management Committee, largely following the statutes of COST actions. The educational activities will be embedded in an existing doctoral school that pays due emphasis on quality control.

Erik Stubkjær,, June 2002